13th December Dreams

 Oh boy...

First dream I remember had me try to kill Goombas in a room and then Bowser.

Second dream was about some girls at a school that got attacked by other school girls with some kind of drug syringes.

They looked pretty bad, couldn't move anymore and stuff. It was horrible to see D:

Third dream I defeated some kind of swamp monster that then tried to return.

For that it needed water and something else.

There was a cola soda machine nearby that it tried to use, but we removed the ice from it so the cola didn't have enough water for the swamp monster.

And then the dream went back to showing how we took out the ice and tried to make the ice that was in the cola look like more than it was. Idk xD

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I'm a B.Sc. Games Engineer and I created this blog to share my ideas, theorycrafting, thoughts and whatever I'm working on or doing.