11 February 2018

WildStar: Expedition Prime Scaling Data

Knowing how items scale is helpful, but you need to get the items from somewhere. One place you can get items from are the expeditions. However to get items with high item levels you will need to run high prime content. Thus it's interesting to know how this content scales.

How To Go About This

So, for now, I'm gonna ignore the influence of hero into this by expecting you to have at least the amount or more hero than the prime level of choice. So what we want to know now is how the prime levels scale. For this, we just go into the prime levels at different difficulties and look for changes. I think many people already know that you'll notice two big changes.
  • The enemies take longer to defeat
  • You die faster
These two aspects should instantly bring up a few questions in our minds. The simplest of all those questions is the why. If the enemies take longer to defeat it means one or several things. For example, they could have more health or we do less damage. It could also be both. For the second aspect, it's most likely because the enemies deal more damage.

So let's compare the health and damage of the enemies on the different prime levels starting with prime level zero. Once we got our data we start to compare it to prime level zero and additionally we could also look at the steps between each prime level.

Collecting Data

Okay, so no joke. I literally went into the infestation expedition on prime level zero to 15 and checked the health of the same mob over and over again and let myself getting hit by the same attack of this enemy over and over. The enemy of my choice was the Lashing Terror. I noted down all the values in a spreadsheet. So you get two tables, one of the

Enemy Health

Prime Level
Health 36533 41648 45302 49320 56627 61742 67222 73433 84024 91700 100102
Prime Level
Health 109236 124946 136271 148693 162210

and one of the

Enemy Damage

Prime Lvl Avg. Dmg Damage...
0 1231.4 1298 1212 1284 1270 1278 1196 1206 1170 1143 1257
1 1430.8 1388 1443 1369 1370 1456 1488 1440 1447 1427 1480
2 1531.5 1623 1561 1552 1563 1542 1528 1455 1428
3 1652.82 1715 1622 1722 1652 1614 1716 1652 1694 1589 1599 1606
4 1910.92 2002 1955 1884 1997 1911 1977 1902 1917 1815 1873 1852 1846

A bit weird that I only collected data on the damage from prime 0 to prime 4. Well, it's not just random but more on that later.

Evaluation of Data

So the next step is to evaluate our data. So we want to know how the prime levels scale. To figure this out we assume prime level zero is our base health and damage. So 100%. To determine how prime level 1 scaled we divide its health through the base health. We do the same with the damage.

This means in prime level 1 the enemies have 41648 / 36533 = 1.1400 or 114.00% the health.
Doing the same with the average damage we get 1430.8 / 1231.4 = 1.1619 or 116.19% damage.

So let's do this for every case we divide its health and average damage through the health and average damage on prime level zero. Now we get the following table.

Prime Level Health Percentage Average Damage Percentage
0 36533 100% 1231.4 100%
141648 114.00% 1430.8 116.19%
2 45302 124.00% 1531.5 124.37%
3 49320 135.00% 1652.82 134.22%
4 56627 155.00% 1910.92 155.18%
5 61742 169.00%
6 67222 184.00%
7 73433 201.00%
8 84024 229.99%
9 91700 251.01%
10 100102 274.00%
11 109236 299.01%
12 124946 342.01%
13 136271 373.01%
14 148693 407.01%
15 162210 444.01%

You may notice that I realized after prime level four that the damage most likely scales just like the health of the enemies do. It's too similar to be a coincidence. Even though to be certain one should've done it through this is enough evidence to me. Aside from knowing now that on prime level 13 the enemies do almost 4 times the damage and have almost 4 times the health.

Next, let's see if it scales linearly. We can do this by dividing the current enemy's health on the prime level through the previous one. So for prime level 2, it would be 45302 / 41648 = 1.0877 or 108.77%. We want the increase between the first and the second unrelated to the previous one. So we need to get 100% out of it. We can simply do this by subtracting one. Which means we get 1.0877 - 1 = 0.0877 or 8.77%

Prime Level
Health 36533 41648 45302 49320 56627 61742 67222 73433 84024 91700 100102
Prime Level
Health 109236 124946 136271 148693 162210

As you can see the increase is not linear. Now the question is raised whether or not this is fixed percentages set by the developers or if they use a non-linear function. To figure this out we need to find a pattern. Though that's not something I'm gonna do today, because I have to get ready for the flight to Paris and stuff.
"So hope you enjoy the data, GreenyNeko out!"
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I'm a B.Sc. Games Engineer and I created this blog to share my ideas, theorycrafting, thoughts and whatever I'm working on or doing.