What's the Difference?
So what makes these Magic-Warped Bundles different from the Packets? Well, they are more expensive. Logically more expensive things must come out? That's actually true. The bundles include rare items like lodestones, tier six materials, and unique upgrades. In total 30 different items can be collected via these bundles.
These items include:
Drop Research
I did some drop research of my own and got 640 samples. Back when I checked it was more than on wiki now it's the opposite around. The wiki now has 7764 samples. Out of curiosity, I'm still going to compare my results with the wiki results but I'll use the wiki results for the calculation later on.
Of course, the calculation is the same as usual. We open X samples or bundles and see how often the item type comes out. Then we're dividing the number of occurrences through the number of samples. Keep in mind the actual amount that comes out does not matter we want the item type. That means 10 ancient bones are not handled as 10 but as one. This is also the reason why we have to divide the amount that has dropped in the wiki research through the amount we get. In our ancient bones example, the wiki notes a drop amount of 3620 from 7764 bundles. However, 10 ancient bones dropped only 3620 / 10 = 362 times from those 7764 bundles. So in the end, we calculate
totalAmount / droppedStackSize / bundles = dropRate or in our example 3620 / 10 / 7764 = 0.0466. That's 4.66%. Doing this for every single item we get the following table.
Of course, the calculation is the same as usual. We open X samples or bundles and see how often the item type comes out. Then we're dividing the number of occurrences through the number of samples. Keep in mind the actual amount that comes out does not matter we want the item type. That means 10 ancient bones are not handled as 10 but as one. This is also the reason why we have to divide the amount that has dropped in the wiki research through the amount we get. In our ancient bones example, the wiki notes a drop amount of 3620 from 7764 bundles. However, 10 ancient bones dropped only 3620 / 10 = 362 times from those 7764 bundles. So in the end, we calculate
totalAmount / droppedStackSize / bundles = dropRate or in our example 3620 / 10 / 7764 = 0.0466. That's 4.66%. Doing this for every single item we get the following table.
Something you notice when comparing the numbers is that the data from the wiki is more evenly distributed and fluctuates less between the drops.
Calculating the Value
Determining the worth we need to look at each item type that can drop from the bundle. Here we're looking at the whole stack we get. So if we get ten tier six materials we got ten times the price of one. Additionally selling items on the trading post costs a fee of 5% for placing the item into the trading post and 10% for the transaction. So what we're calculating is the value the item has in the market - I'm going to use the selling price instead of the buy price since it's higher and materials always sell good - minus the trading post fee of 15% and then multiply this with the amount we get. In the example of ancient bones, it has a selling price of 2571 copper the fee is 377.4 copper. So we get 2571 - 377 = 2193.6. Multiplying it with the amount we get 2194 * 10 = 21936 copper or 2 gold 19 silver and 36 copper. You may notice that I'm rounding the numbers. This is what the trading post does as well.
Notice that I calculate the mystic clover by their vendor value. To determine the value of mystic clover that's quite a bit harder so we're going with this. This also assumes that you don't want or don't need mystic clovers! Anyways with the whole table filled up and all the values in copper known we can start to calculate the actual worth of our bundle.
Calculating the Worth
To do this we simply say that each valued drop has a certain relevance. The relevance is the weight of how much it plays a role in our worth. This weight is the chance for the respective item stack to drop. Thus we're going, to sum up, all our total values multiplied by their specific drop chances from the first table. The end result will be the worth of our magic-warped bundles.
21850 * 4.66% + 22140 * 4.31% + 24180 * 4.97% + 8580 * 4.73% + 9740 * 4.70% + 21330 * 4.52% + 3230 * 4.5% + 28050 * 4.81% + 22010 * 4.78% + 22100 * 4.39% + 6289 * 1.30% + 1810 * 1.52% + 1786 * 1.39% + 72242 * 1.34% + 8525 * 4.24% + 1280 * 1.87% + 20206 * 2.61% + 9676 * 3.05% + 9804 * 2.77% + 18426 * 3.08% + 6472 * 6.16% + 8668 * 2.77% + 252 * 3.14% + 10872 * 3.13% + 15564 * 3.98% + 2173 * 1.64% + 55596 * 1.52% + 1878 * 1.58% + 1676 * 1.65% = 14212.32
The percentages need to match the prices of the same item or else it may result in errors or deviations from the result we want.
So now we know that we can expect to get 1 gold 42 silver and 12 copper when selling the materials we get from the bundle. The buying price is either 1 gold and 500 unbound magic or 40 silver and 1250 unbound magic. If we're only looking at our gold we would make 14212 - 10000 = 4212 copper buying the expensive one and 14212 - 4000 = 10212 copper buying the cheaper one. So we have a plus of either 42 silver and 12 copper or 1 gold 2 silver and 12 copper by paying another 750 unbound magic.
What Now, Captain?
Next, we can compare bundles and packets! If anyone cares.. but now in this post. These posts get big enough and very time-consuming. Of course, I could leave all those tables away and focus on the calculation... hmm I don't know.